The Big Rock
One of my favorite weeks of the year! The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament starts today at 9 am with almost 200 boats looking for one big Blue Marlin! The line is fresh, knots are tight, hooks are sharp and the team is ready for action! The KWLA was a great success with 142 boats fishing Saturday. We did see a small Blue, but did not get a very good bite out of the fish. Hopefully today will yield different results. Congrats to team Delta Dawn, my good friends, for releasing a Blue and a White for the win! Fished inshore yesterday morning and while the Spanish fishing was on the slow side, we did come across a school of Red Drum, that we were very cooperative. We hooked 6, but only got two 30-50 lb fish to the boat! The Big Rock has a GREAT website, check it out and look for the Hunter on the leader board. Tight Lines and Happy Hunting!